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Missed Deadlines Lead to More Obamacare Disappointments

October 5, 2010
Bilirakis Blog

WASHINGTON, DC (October 5, 2010) – In just over six months, Obamacare has failed to deliver on several promises. Just yesterday, a report from the Congressional Research Service found that the Department of Health and Human Services has missed seven deadlines mandated by the new law. That's one-third of the 22 deadlines, and it's only the beginning.

Dozens of additional mandates for Obamacare are scheduled to be enacted even as late as 2018. But one has to be doubtful that the administration will be able to live up to all of its promises, as it clearly has stumbled even in its early stages.

Instead of this massive health care takeover, we need sensible solutions that will lower costs, avoid tax hikes and increase access to insurance.